

Almond Biscuit

  • [96 g egg yolks, 72 g egg whites]

  • 240 g egg whites

  • 144 g granulated sugar

  • 240 g tant pour tant (mix 1 part almond flour and 1 part powdered sugar)

  • 108 g cake flour

*After baking, cut each into 7 cm/3 inches in diameter.

Raspberry Syrup

  • 100 g granulated sugar

  • 100 g water

  • 52 g raspberry purée

  • 10 g raspberry liqueur

*Spread on the almond biscuit pieces.

Raspberry Jelly

  • 242 g whole raspberries

  • 255 g raspberry purée

  • 122 g granulated sugar

  • 9.6 g gelatin sheets

*Heat all to combine, and pour into sillicone dome mold 3 cm/1 ½ inches in diameter, and freeze. unmold for use.

Creamy Mixture

Mixture A

  • 227 g egg whites

  • 42.5 g granulated sugar

  • 80 g TREHA®

  • 6.5 g agar-based gelling agent

Mixture B

  • 232 g granulated sugar

  • 115 g starch syrup

  • 128 g water

Mixture C

  • 195 g fromage blanc

  • 195 g sour cream

  • 195 g mascarpone cheese

  • 11.2 g gelatin sheets

  • 54 g lemon juice

  • 872 g fresh cream (35-38% mil fat)

  1. Heat B to 116°C/241°F to make syrup. Whip A, add in the syrup, and whip to make an Italian meringue.

  2. Reconstitute the gelatin in the lemon juice over a hot water bath and add into C. Whip the fresh cream to medium peaks and add. Add the Italian meringue, too.

  3. Pipe out into ring mold (each 7 cm/3 inches in diameter) line with cheesecloth, and place a unmolded raspberry jelly to each. Pipe out the batter, and top with the almond biscuit pieces.

  4. Freeze in a blast freezer. Unmold for serving.

TREHA®︎ benefit
  • Gives subtle sweetness and enhances 'milkey' notes

  • Stabilizes air bubbles of Italian meringue