
  • 700 g glutinous rice

  • 80 g red beans (azuki beans)

  • 2 tablespoons TREHA®

Mixture A

  • 50 ml sake

  • 200 ml cooking liquid of red beans

  • 2 tablespoons TREHA®

  1. Rinse glutinous rice and drain in a colander.

  2. Wash the red beans. Add 2 ½ cups of water to the beans in a pan, and cook over high heat. When the water starts to simmer, discard the boiling water, add 2 ½ cup of water, and cook again. Once boiling, replenish water at ½ cup and 2 tablespoons of TREHA®. Simmer over low heat until the red beans become tender but not falling apart.

  3. Place a colander over a bowl, drain the red beans from step 2, pour the bean water over the colander to run through the beans, and repeat several times to enhance the red color of the bean water. Set the water aside to cool.

  4. Add the glutinous rice to the bean water from step 3 and soak overnight to allow the rice to absorb the water with a natural red color of azuki beans.

  5. 30 minutes before steaming, drain the rice mixture using a colander set over a bowl and allow the excess liquid to be removed.

  6. Spread a coarse cloth tightly wrung out over a steamer. Place the glutinous rice mixture flat on the cloth. Make a slight depression in the center, and steam over high heat for about 15 to 20 minutes with a lid fully placed.

  7. Put 6. into a bowl quickly, mix in A while it is hot, and steam again for 20-30 minutes.

  8. Transfer the steamed rice to a wooden bowl for sushi rice. Spread it out, fan it to bring out its luster, and sprinkle it with gomashio* (not listed) as a topping.

*Gomashio is a traditional Japanese seasoning made from a mixture of toasted sesame seeds and salt.

TREHA®︎ benefit
  • Maintains the softness of glutinous rice after cooled or freeze-thawed.

  • Minimizes heat inconsistencies, preventing red beans from falling apart during cooking.

  • Gives luster to the glutinous rice.