
  • 200 g potatoes

  • 300 g onions

  • 3 green spring onions

  • 100 g konjac noodles

  • 250 g thinly sliced beef

  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil

  • 100 ml cooking sake

  • 100 ml water

  • 1½ tablespoons TREHA®

  • 3 tablespoons sugar

  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce

  1. Peel, soak and cut the potatoes into bite-sized pieces. Boil them for 3 minutes, and drain.

  2. Cut the onions into 1 cm thick wedges and the green onions into 4 cm lengths.

  3. Cut the konjac noodle into manageable lengths to consume. Boil the noodles for 2 minutes, and drain. Cut the beef slices into 4-5 cm pieces.

  4. Heat the cooking oil in a pan and quickly sauté the beef over high heat. When the color of the meat changes, add the potatoes, onions, konjac noodles, sake, and water.

  5. When the mixture comes to a boil, add the TREHA®, sugar, and soy sauce. Cover the pan with an otoshibuta* (Japanese cooking lid meaning a drop-lid) and simmer it over medium or low heat. Add the green onions and simmer briefly when the potatoes become soft, then turn off the heat.

*An otoshibuta is a Japanese drop-lid for even heat distribution in a pot. It prevents ingredient breakage and ensures uniform cooking. Parchment paper or aluminum foil with a center hole can be used as a substitute.

TREHA®︎ benefit
  • Inhibits potatoes from falling apart during cooking.

  • Makes the meat tender and cooks potatoes evenly with a fluffy texture.

  • Maintains soft, fresh texture of potatoes and meat after cold or frozen storage.