
‘Just what is TREHA®?
See the science
behind the secret!’
Discover TREHA®
Discover TREHA®
Discover TREHA®
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA®: Roast beef (1 min. ver.)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA®: Rich Gâteau au Chocolat featuring a tart raspberry flavor (1 min. ver.)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA®: Plant-based Japanese Caprese Salad (1 min. ver.)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA®: Rice bowl with long-lasting crisp leafy greens and ground meat (1 min. ver.)
Experience TREHA® difference in fresh texture and flavor for frozen desserts
Experience TREHA® difference in texture for egg dishes, sauces and creams
Experience TREHA® difference in color retention for fruits and vegetables
Experience TREHA® difference in moisture retention for sushi rice
Watch TREHA® Difference: Super Crispy Candied Citrus Slices
“How Fascinating TREHA®!" – Interview with Chef Barbara Alexander after TREHA® Culinary Workshop
Watch this chef discover the amazing functionality of TREHA® for the poultry brine
Just what is TREHA®? See the science behind the secret!
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Roast beef: Lleva tu creación a un nivel superior con TREHA(TM) - Carne asada (1 min. ver. in Spanish)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Rich Gâteau au Chocolat featuring a tart raspberry flavor: Lleva tu creación a un nivel superior con TREHA(TM) - Rico pastel de chocolate con sabor a tarta de frambuesa (1 min. ver. in Spanish)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Rice bowl with long-lasting crisp leafy greens and ground meat: Lleva tu creación a un nivel superior con TREHA(TM) - Tazón de arroz con lechuga crujiente de larga duración y carne molida (1 min. ver. in Spanish)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Plant-based* Japanese Caprese Salad: Lleva tu creación a un nivel superior con TREHA(TM) - Ensalada Caprese japonesa a base de plantas* (1 min. ver. in Spanish)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Roast Beef: TREHA® 日本海藻糖 实现创意巧思 美味质感升级 - 低脂烤牛肉 (1 min. ver. in Simplified Chinese)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Rich Gâteau au Chocolat featuring a tart raspberry flavor: TREHA® 日本海藻糖 实现创意巧思 美味质感升级 - 覆盆子巧克力蛋糕 (1 min. ver. in Simplified Chinese)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Rice bowl with long-lasting crisp leafy greens and ground meat: TREHA® 日本海藻糖 实现创意巧思 美味质感升级 - 清蔬鸡肉拌饭 (1 min. ver. in Simplified Chinese)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Plant-based* Japanese Caprese Salad: TREHA® 日本海藻糖 实现创意巧思 美味质感升级 - 和风番茄豆腐沙拉 (1 min. ver. in Simplified Chinese)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Roast beef : 巧思創新 美味加分 顧客滿意 TREHA® 日本海藻糖 - 英式嫩牛肉 (1 min. ver. in Traditional Chinese)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Rich Gâteau au Chocolat featuring a tart raspberry flavor: 巧思創新 美味加分 顧客滿意 TREHA® 日本海藻糖 - 莓果濃情巧克力蛋糕 (1 min. ver. in Traditional Chinese)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA® - Rice bowl with long-lasting crisp leafy greens and ground meat: 巧思創新 美味加分 顧客滿意 TREHA® 日本海藻糖 - 清爽鮮蔬雞鬆飯 (1 min. ver. in Traditional Chinese)
Easy and delicious cooking with trehalose - Roast beef (15 sec. ver. in French) / Cuisine Rapide : un plat simple et bon avec le tréhalose - Délicieux rosbif maigre
Easy and delicious cooking with trehalose - Rich Gâteau au Chocolat featuring a tart raspberry flavor (15 sec. ver. in French) / Cuisine Rapide : un dessert simple et bon avec le tréhalose - Gâteau au chocolat à la framboise
Easy and delicious cooking with TREHA(TM)! - Plant-based* Japanese Caprese Salad (1 min. ver. in Korean): 트레하(TM)로 요리를 손쉽고 맛있게! - 일본식 두부 카프레제 샐러드
Easy and delicious cooking with TREHA(TM)! - Taco Rice (1 min. ver. in Korean): TREHA(TM)/트레하(TM)로 요리를 손쉽고 맛있게! - 산뜻한 오키나와식 타코라이스
Easy and delicious cooking with TREHA(TM)! - Rich Gâteau au Chocolat featuring a tart raspberry flavor (1 min. ver. in Korean): 트레하(TM)로 요리를 손쉽고 맛있게! - 라즈베리 가토쇼콜라
Easy and delicious cooking with TREHA(TM)! - Roast beef (1 min. ver. in Korean): 트레하(TM)로 요리를 손쉽고 맛있게! - 로스트 비프
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA®: Roast beef (15 sec. ver.)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA®: Rich Gâteau au Chocolat featuring a tart raspberry flavor (15 sec. ver.)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA®: Plant-based* Japanese Caprese Salad (15 sec. ver.)
Take your creation up a notch with TREHA®: Rice bowl with long-lasting crisp leafy greens and ground meat (15 sec. ver.)